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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 26 - 19.8 / 1,893.0

I survived the night. I did wake up a few times glad to know a tree had not fallen on me. Once, I woke up and thought someone was shining their headlamp through the trees at my tent. I poked my head out and soon realized it was just the moon. It was crazy to see how bright it was. I spoke with Riverdog about it that morning and he said he thought the same thing.

I was the second out of the site behind Maple. I passed her soon after. The first few miles were a pretty good climb and then a steep decent. Eventually, the downhill became very nice. I was even able to get my pace back up to around three miles per hour. I made it to a shelter and took a good break there. Around 45 minutes later almost everyone else was there. It was fun to have us all together and joking around. Most of us left at the same time and walked in a mob down to the road. We actually spoke about what one calls a large group of thru hikers hiking together. I wish I could have remembered some of them.
Some people went back in to town from the road. Lola, Sunrise, Samurai, and I did not. We spent some more time hiking together until Lola and Sun stopped to eat lunch. I have really enjoyed my time getting to know them. I wish I had gotten to know them earlier in the journey. We all leap frogged a few times until they took one more break. They were going to hike a shorter distance and stay at a pond along the trail.

I did pass one guy who was looking for water. I told him there was a good source an easy two miles down the trail. He told me there was nothing from the direction he had come. He also proceeded to ask me if I had any extra water. I told him I only had a liter and would need that since he was telling me he hadn't seen water in some time. Plus, I knew he had a good source just down the trail. I was able to find some about 3 miles later.

The trail in the afternoon passed by some nice ponds. The blazes on the other hand were not too nice. They were lacking, and I even debated being on the correct trail. The AMC does not always label the AT at the trail junctions. Therefore, one has to pay attention to other trail names or look for the shelter or road crossing they know is ahead. It can get quite confusing.

Filo had now joined Sam and I. The three of us ended our day at Gentian Pond shelter. The view was quite nice of the valley. Sam and I sent up our tents while Filo was in the shelter. I made dinner and ate more than I expected. My food has not been as fulfilling as it used to be. Sam and I have commented on how hungry we have been lately. I don't know what it is. Perhaps we have no more fat reserves and our bodies are telling us to pile on the calories. Good thing is that I am eating a lot which means I am carrying less weight the next day. I tend to over pack with food and usually have quite a bit leftover when I go to resupply.

Sonic and Riverdog arrived after dark. They had gone to town to get more food. I expected some others to arrive too; however, they did not.

It was nice to do bigger miles again. Those days are limited as the terrain in NH and ME is very tough. I have also survived the Whites. Maine is approaching quickly.


  1. How are you feeling after your falls? I can't wait for you to be back at work!!

  2. Congrats brother on your accomplishments...stay safe and take it easy...

  3. slow day at the CLC ... just spent the last couple of hours rereading and catching up on your posts. I am so exctied for you in doing this. We have a niece who thru hiked southbound about 10 years ago. She didn't have a blog or spot tracker then. It has been great getting to follow along with you. Hang in there!

  4. Keep the momentum. I know it is tempting to slow down. You are almost there. Don't give up! God is with you and so are our prayers. Love, M.E.
